Goliath - Kate
Our Wildlife, Park Diary

Our Favourite Visitor Photos!

We love it when our visitors share their photos with us – often, they snap some really special moments, ones that we might not have seen ourselves! We thought we’d share some of our favourites with you know – perhaps it might give you some inspiration for your next visit to us? Kate – @adventuremumma Kate […]

new crocodile enclosure
Our Wildlife

Freshwater Crocodile

Ever wondered the difference between a Freshwater Crocodile and an Estuarine Crocodile? Wondered what they eat, where you can find them, and how big they get? We’re here to help! Firstly – they are much more slender-snouted and considerably smaller in build and overall size, compared to the estuarine crocodile. Some people say they are harmless […]

rainbow lorikeets
Our Wildlife

Rainbow Lorikeets

Living in Cairns, you’ve probably seen a million Rainbow Lorikeets flying around the trees. But if you want to see one up close, come meet ours in our Rainforest Aviary! Rainbow Lorikeets have a bright red beak and very colourful plumage. Unlike some other birds, both the male and female look similar, with a blue head and […]

red-tailed black cockatoo
Our Wildlife

Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo

The Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii) is a beautiful creature, found on the mainland of Australia. You’ll often spot them in a flock, returning in the evening from their feeding during the day to roost in large trees near streams and rivers. One of the neatest things about these cockatoos is the difference between the males and […]