We believe our friendly team at the Cairns ZOOM and Wildlife Dome have one of the best jobs, mixing both wildlife and adventure into one. As you can see from the photo above, multi-tasking is definitely a trait needed for this job! After following our ZOOM Guide team around for the day, you really get to witness the skills and knowledge these guides possess.
Before the Cairns ZOOM opens, our trained guides walk around to make sure all our wildlife are awake and happy. Our guides will then climb and participate in all the different activities we offer. This ensures everything is working properly and safe for our guests. Once all the activities are deemed safe, our harnesses and ropes are checked and laid out ready for the activities.
Juggling between looking after our cheeky cockatoos and getting the guests ready for the activities, our guides definitely have their hands full! ZOOM guides also prepare everyone who participates in the ZOOM activities. This involves harnessing them up, fitting the helmets, and attaching the safety harnesses.
ZOOM guides are not only there to make sure everyone is safe. They are also there to inspire and guide our guests throughout the park and its structures. It is not uncommon for our guests have height fears. Our confident ZOOM guides work with the guests to overcome these fears, and reach their pinnacle. However, if someone feels they can no longer participate in the course and wants to be taken off, our guides harness themselves up and work their way around to the guest to assist.
We have so many animals constantly moving around the dome at once. Because of this, it is very rare that a ZOOM guide is dealing with one task at a time. As difficult as this sounds however, it is what they love and look forward to everyday.
Next time you visit the Cairns ZOOM, be sure to chat to our friendly staff about our animals. Or, have a chat to our talkative cockatoos just before our ZOOM reception desk!